How to locate A Ranger portal with just two flags

There is one small problem with your analysis.

There are actually two points that satisfy all the conditions you specify. They are on either side of the line between A and B.
(Specifically the defined triangle can be flipped along the A-B line.)

It's usually enough to look at the two locations and realize that solution #2 is in an aggro pile and look at the other one. :D

If you find a third point you can get a unique solution. I tend to just target point B, estimate where I'm going to end up (based on my eyeballs on the map, then run until the distance to point B is the right number, then target point A, and iteratively adjust my distances until I'm there, but that's just because I'm too lazy to do the maths.

That's pretty much what I do. I use two flags, take a couple unflagged measurements to check which side of the line is the correct one, and check my distances from those flags once I figure out which side of the line I need to be on.

BTW, Ranger portals are usable even when a Kitin is trying to eat you; taking a few hundred HP worth of damage will not abort your travel the way it would with a normal teleport pact.


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