
Roleplay Metagaming

Hello Wirroy,

I agree what you say. Another simple example of metaroleplay is when a homin call you by your name despite he never met you before ! but, our name is above the head... (and it can be removed for ourself in configuration, I know. But then it becomes too hard to recognize people you should know)

But we cannot force a change in players behavior. Just do your way, and maybe other players will understand then imitate you because they liked it or thinks it make sens. (or also by opening a discussion about it like you've just done ^^)

About foraging while tagged, well, you can untag if you think it's not normal beiing attacked on sight can't you ?
Then, if someone think your are suspicious (at first, probably because of your guild logo but...) and approach you "hey! who are you !?" and if the conversation becomes angry, turn on the tag.

For you, having tag turned on is a invitation for RP, but I think also a personal challenge, or even a guild challenge. But it can be interpreted by other as a kind of provocation : "look, you are so rubbish that I can come tagged for foraging in your region without fear" (which might be true ^^).

About metaroleplay, you can also wonder how a NPC guard can recognize you and attack on sight ! Maybe you imagine something yourself to justify it... You can imagine the same when you are beeing attacked without any rp realistic reason by a PC.

Your words also point out the different way players think about RP. For you (and for me too) the nuances your character have are important, and also the dialog interactions you may have with other, even enemies. For some other players what's more important is to behave as your faction ask to, event if the way you do it is not very realistic. Something on a more global scale, but important too for preserving the faction game (I mean, not all becoming friends).


Beauté, curiosité, virtuosité !
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