[Nations & Neutrals] Academic Congress of Pyr

Daeronn Cegrips’ intervention

Daeronn Cegrips
My last expedition in the kitins' lair of Almati allowed me to carry out measurements and observations in the brood chamber, more precisely called "Prime Eggs Room".

This room is a remarkable architectural work where everything seems to be done to maintain an absolutely stable atmosphere. There is not the slightest draft of air; so much so, that you can even sense the slight trail of turbulence caused by the quiet ballet of the Kipees.

This stability has the effect of stacking the ambient air in layers, so substantially that as you move across the hollows and bumps you can clearly feel the variation of the thermal gradient.

The eggs are laid out in regular packs on a line against the wall at the bottom of each of the two basins forming the room, and practically all at the same level.

And these kitin eggs, did you watch them carefully? Unfortunately nothing to do with our goari eggs which provide succulent omelets! Oblong in shape, as tall and wide as a Tryker, the kitin egg is held vertically by its root base. It is therefore immovable.

And is there anything as odd, as strange, as this rooted egg or planted egg, unless it's a planted egg or a budding egg? I haven't decided yet.
But in the way the roots intertwine with the base of the egg, there is a good chance that this base is much more than just a nest and that, via this link to the Bark, the egg feeds.

He remains silent for a moment while he looks into the distance.

Was I talking about a nourishing omelet? Well, just picture that one day I met an incredible Frahar who was really the champion at stealing eggs from goaris! It was in the Dunes of Aelius, where I…

A great noise is made in the assembly... Be' Doyty Libby rushes in like a shot.

Be' Doyty Libby

The goari she intended to use to display her new electric generator escaped and ran ragingly into the streets of Pyr. While the goari was supposed to charge the generator, the opposite happened and the poor animal turned on in this way became very aggressive. Homins run to stop it before it does any damage, then come back to the conference.

Tao Sian
Unfortunately, this incident has taken us some time and we still have two more pesentations to hear for this conference, so I think we have to move forward. Daeronn-ito, can you quickly conclude your speech, Kai' bini?

Daeronn Cegrips
What speech, my dear?

Dixie Keale bursts in a laugh that turns into an uncontrollable cough flush, then spits blood out.

Tao Sian
Dixie-miko!! I insist for you to come and see me for a private consultation immediately after this session!

Dixie Keale
Heu... Oy Ny-tala.

Tao Sian turns back to Daeronn.

Tao Sian
But your interesting speech on kitin eggs, ito! Temperature, roots…

Daeronn Cegrips
Oh, this! Well, to make it short, I'd say you don't make omelets without breaking eggs... I have to get back to the field!

Tao Sian
Um… Zo'ari'kami ito, but be careful, I beg you.
She watches Dixie again from the corner of her mask.

Mona di Fareni
I agree with the interest expressed by my colleague and strongly encourage him to join forces with a botanist to unravel the mystery of these roots.

Tao Sian
Great suggestion, Mona-miko… And keep the floor, please, it's your turn.
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