
[Fyros] Pyr akenak assembly

Lykos introduction

oren pyr!

*Looks at the few akenak and patriots who are present, through the dark air.*

We are in a turbulent time. Since Atreus and his trytonnist followers have divided the Patriots and destabilized the Empire, we are weakening and falling asleep in the immobility.
The Marauders are taunting us from their nearby camp, and we have been slow to react.
Are we going to take root like Matis?
What happened to our great ambitions?Where is cal, the strength of the sharük, hiding?
What glory are we chasing after?

*Looks at the akenak and patriots present.*

Your small number in front of me reflects these doubts and the state of the sharük, as well as mine, until today. But it's time to move on!
Fyros, it's time to wake up the Empire! To get it out of his immobility! To give the sharük his strength back! Together! I want you all to be proud to be part of the sharük!

*Raises his fist.*

sharük pyrèkud!

*Waits a little while.*

I know you need action, not long speeches, and you will have some! There's so much to rebuild!
But, in order to move forward, the sharük also needs to surround himself with the best possible men and not withdraw into himself.
I will therefore begin by filling the vacant posts, presenting my reform of the institutions and giving the floor to the Ambassadors.

Candidacies and appointments

Appointment of celiakos Graphybus Ceros as Imperial Councilor, replacing Abycus Zekops:
Since the death of Abycus Zekops, I no longer have an Imperial Councilor. I have just appointed celiakos Graphybus Ceros to this position.

of Xinna Cekaps and Melossen Aerus as celiakos:
Since Graphybus Ceros will become an Imperial Advisor, a celiakos position has become vacant. The two candidates for this position are Xinna Cekaps and Melossen Aerus.
I will soon seek the advice of the Patriots before choosing between them.

Candidacy of Stiara for a post of akenak:
Dyron's akenak position is vacant. Dios Apotheps, Celiakos de Dyron, supports the candidacy of Patriot Stiara. Is she present in the audience to introduce herself to me?

(Stiara was not there, so is invited to come to next assembly.)

Candidacy of Naveruss as ambassador to the Theocracy and the Federation:
Ibiphan Dynix, Celiakos de Thesos, supports the double candidacy of Patriot Naveruss Kynigrips for the post of Ambassador to the Theocracy and the Federation.Is Naveruss Kynigrips present in the audience to introduce herself to me?[i]

(Naveruss has been nominated Ambassador to Federation and Theocracy.)

[/i]Reorganization of imperial institutions

Let's move on to reforming the Imperial Institutions.

*Shakes his fists.*
I can't bear to see how slowly imperial files are being processed! Look at the Abycus Zekops and Thulam Cekaps case! The ineffectiveness of Xalis Perimenix, the celiakos in charge of the investigation, is second to none. A celiakos and his sister, both of Abycus's family, also interfered with the investigation. This is unacceptable!

Until then, the investigator was always a member of the Senate, and the judge was the Academician in charge of the Chair of Justice.

Starting from now, Justice becomes an institution in its own right, on equal footing with the Senate, the Academy and the Army.
I'm appointing Aeryx Xan as head of justice. He will have to submit to me as soon as possible his proposal for the organisation of this new institution.

For more details on the new organization of Imperial Institutions, please refer to the document published for that purpose. (HRP: forum: https://app.ryzom.com/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/27854/1 / wiki: https://forge.ryzom.com/wiki/Imperial_Institutional_Organisation).

But I won't wait any longer! I myself am taking over the investigation so that it can be completed quickly. I will ask my Graphybus Ceros Advisor to write and publish a summary of the facts related to this double inquiry. And we will continue it together soon.

The sharük needs to know what's happening elsewhere on Atys. The ambassadors have the floor.

(A messenger from the Thesos Defensetower warns Lykos that Thesos is being attacked and that guards positioned at the Tower have been overwhelmed. Lykos and the attendees teleport to counter the marauder attack.
They succeed to defeat the Marauders but after a long fight.
Lykos is furious and demands that the security of Thesos be reinforced: construction of other towers and reinforcement of the guard.)
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