Mémoires d'homine

"Hey lunch lady! Have you finished singing?
- Hihi yes, that's it for today. I might make it rain sap otherwise
- Your bodoc stew wasn't bad last time, but it lacked a little something.
- Ah?
- Come and see Lydix Deps, at "La patte du Yubo", he'll have some tips for you."

Elea had bad memories of her visit to Pyr's bar. But, to satisfy the guard and her taste buds, she went there.
"Akep! the canteen girl, so, you come to attract the lightning of some fyros again?
- No, I was sent to you for cooking tips
- Oh, you mean drinking tips?
*already offering him a glass of awful shooki*
- I'd love to hear your tips, but, no offense, I'm going to avoid your shooki...
- Here you are! Take this one, last time it went sour. What do you know about drinks?
- Uh...I have a list
*hands him the drinks list*.
- Well, you already know quite a bit and I know you get your supplies from Pecus. I have nothing to teach you. Go and see Ba'Naer Liffan at the bar of La Fourche du Bon Marché.
Elea tore up a pact with Fairhaven. She headed for the bar, greeting with her usual smile the homins she knew along the way.
" Kikoo Ba'Naer
- Oulla the pickaxe thrower is back in my bar?
- Hihi no, Lydix sent me to you. He said you'd have some cooking tips for me.
- Simply add a little honey and shookilat to your sauces. It makes them rounder and smoother.
- Are you sure you're talking about sauces?
*smiling teasingly* The fyros guard thinks my dishes lack whip
- For the whip, see your friend Kiwalie
*laughing* [i]Add a little fermented milk to your recipes. You'll see, it'll change their minds. Don't use beer, they find it too bitter. [url= zette_du_desert_1.pdf[/url] (page3) These fyros....they can't do without us. I mean, after all! We opened the water route with them.[/i] (page 5 and 6)
Elea thanked and greeted Ba'Naer. As she tore her pact to Thesos, she heard:
"Don't forget to enter Atys's biggest drinker contest! or on a pub crawl next time. It'll be nice to see you hanging out here again."
But she was already concocting the evening's meal in her head.


FB: Eleanide Ryzom
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