Technical Support

Ryzom becoming unresponsive after character select

Hello Homins,

I had an issue and resolved it last night and figured I would share this with you incase any of you had similar issues.

Ryzom connected fine last night, but by the time I selected my character and hit start, it would become unresponsive. I restarted my pc only to find that I could no longer reach DNS server. Infact outside of primary google sites (Facebook, Youtube, Gmail, etc) I couldn't reach any DNS.

So, how to fix it.
Open Chrome, type in the address bar: chrome://net-internals/#dns
-Press clear browsing data button

Next, close chrome. Go to windows search and type "CMD" right click - run as admin.
In the command prompt type: ipconfig /flushdns
-It will provide a success message-
Next command will be ipconfig /registerdns

New DNS is now registered. For me, I had to do a restart for the DNS flush to take affect. Once It had finished the restart everything was back to normal.

Side note: This fix is for windows machines. I'll see about posting similar fix for MAC OS unless someone else with a Mac would like to do so.


The fail whale!


My name is Lil, but you may call me Your Majesty. ;)
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Last visit Friday, 28 February 01:44:33 UTC

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