Mémoires d'homine


"When I arrived on Ile Matisse, I was alone.
- What's she going to talk about this time? *says a guard*
- Shhh! Listen and we'll know *replies the young guard who was reading, coughs and resumes*.
"I was alone. My mother wasn't a Matisse, so she was sent to the Fyros island. I grew up with the Matis, these haughty homins, straight as broomsticks. Despite their airs and graces, I can admit that they have a particular taste, or rather that they're careful about how they look. The homines, always with their hair pulled back, take great care with their fine lace outfits. But I was curious to see other things, so I set off into the desert. There, I discovered my favorite vest."
- I can't believe she's talking to us about rags.
- What! She made your outfit, you ninny! Plus, she made you the color you wanted!
- Yes *stammering that's right, I wanted green
"the fyros is so practical, everything is well held when I run".
- Ah, the roploplo are bound! *says a young guard, imagining the plunging neckline he loves so much*.
"He's all the rage with some people. Then I discovered
my favorite sleeves: fyros, they don't take up too much space in my bag once rolled up. Then I continued my tour of the art of jungle sewing. That's when I fell in love".

- Han! of a zorai?
"a vest and yes, a vest again. From there, I created my first outfit: my swimsuit. amp;gender=f&hair=83/5&tattoo=1&eyes=0&head=igzhu /5&chest=iczalv/5&arms=igzau/5&hands=iczalg/5&fee t=icmalb/5&legs=iczalp/5&size=large&morph=4,4,4,4,4,4 ,4,4&gabarit=7,7,7,7,7
I was one of the first to mix light elements. I really don't like this nun's outfit, worn by all the matis; it's too wise for me. Neither Tregian nor Damaa would have contradicted me. One day, I set out to discover the average Zorai. But even in the jungle, no one sewed it, or even knew what it was. I called on all the medium armor sewers on my contact list: Req, Caska, Zuran, Tsurani... In those days, medium armor was rarely worn. It was just a piece of furniture. So the few craftsmen who knew how to make them only did so for their guilds.
- Formal wear? Uh, I use it for dueling and shooting.
- Yeah, weird. She doesn't say anything about her combat gear?
- Does she have one?
- Yes, she was wearing one when I ran into her at an Op battle.
- Roh the seamstress, are you sure?
- Yes! she helped the kamis, but she wore a light one, not an average one. She was healing. Another time, I saw her with a strange heavy one.
- Let's go! Read on
- Bha! We'll have to wait until tomorrow
- What's up? There's just stops? erf ...the pick".


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