Technical Support

Possibly quitting Ryzom [Please Read]

Kythqaaa thanks for your post. While I still believe its important we fix this issue. Lets try not to stress the gm's. Feel free to post your opinons and even chat with the staff of Ryzom. In any case I don't plan to change my password untill a way is provided that respects the rights of users of ryzom... the best way would be to only require info players are willing to give with a option to give more info. I can understand when it comes to accounts that use a paypal or steam account to pay for features. Those require info for their service which is bad too. Many of us are still ftp. Its not that we don't want to support the game. We love this game but giving out personal info can be dangerous. Also when the CSR's have that info they become responsible for its safety. Which is not a gurrantee that it will remain safe. even the top companys in the world are attacked. millions of costumers info stolen."If you don't have the info your not at risk" The fact we require info to do so much in life adds to the problem" We are at risk every moment why add to it.
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Last visit Saturday, 21 September 03:07:40 UTC

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