Technical Support

Possibly quitting Ryzom [Please Read]

Hello you awesome people of Ryzom. I'm thinking of quitting. I have reasons.
*1 Its a unfair situation when your forced to change your password and the only way to do so is to give a whole bunch of personal info.
*2 I love this game, but if it requires more info to change your password
then to sign up it puts people in danger. Life is scary enough info should be given optionally.
*3 I want to support this game but there is no way to pay to subscribe without giving more info."Suprize not everyone uses paypal or steam..."
*4 This game by its very nature has great potiental but if it can't be used in freedom its a pointless waste of my time.
A possible solution allow players to change their info without giving out info by sending a password change link to thier email. You could also add a feature to go after you login where you enter a pincode. This is not my fault or that of the other players in this game. You have punished the guilty party and with it required all players to give their personal info to play a game that has already been compromized. If theres any logic to that let me know I'll be online all day. Also yes I know that all four reasons I gave are just extentions of the same concern.
Please if you agree with this statement [reply soon]
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Last visit Saturday, 21 September 02:38:36 UTC

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