If I don't know that public transit exists, I hardly know to ask for a schedule, now do I.
I just can't fathom a world where anyone living in a metropolitan city hasn't seen a bus or a train since they have lived there. I have traveled to 40 - 50 cities just in the course of being on the board of my professional society and I'm there for just 2 - 8 days.
It's rare when visiting those cities that I do not see a bus or a train on the way to the hotel from the airport. In none of those cities was there a lack of information on transportation available at the hotel ... in room, at concierge or at front desk. Similarly, I imagine folks have seen other folk walking around in NPC Armor. And if they didn't my only conclusion would be that they are on Silan or haven't played very much on ML.
I may not know that there's a water park, blues club, great restaurant nearby but when I ask "what attractions" are nearby", I do get pointed to a person knowledgeable on that subject.
Now if neither myself or anyone in my group is interested in using public transportation, I don't think there's justification in saying "nobody told me". What sounds more reasonable ?
a) I am interested in a particular service or a list of available services, so I ask someone in my group or anyone I see if they know ?
b) I have someone in my group (as in guild) assigned with the responsibility of assembling information and placing on the association web page (as in Guild Forum / MOTD) for the group's annual convention.
c) The hotel sends someone up to the room for each of the folks in your group at various times of the day to knock on the door and say "Hey, we have room service" .... 10 minutes later "Hey do you need public transit information ?" ... 10 minutes later "Do you need a list of attractions ?" ... 10 minutes later "Hey, we have dry cleaning and laundry service" ... 10 minutes later "Hey we have PC and print services in our business center". This is repeated at least once a day during your entire stay because folks need "repeated reminders".
Ryzom is a complicated game, As "Captain CRS", I don't see it as other player's responsibility to repeatedly remind me that resources exist. When guildies ask for new armor, we teach them how to know what QL they need or can use. They have the IG Bunny Tools, there's a spreadsheet we can send or they can remember or write down say "HA QL = Constitution + 10". It's the player's responsibility to write that down, bookmark the page or whatever.... not anyone else's to continually provide the same info over and over again.
"The recipe for WC Level 1 is 6-3-4-5-1":
"100% Damage recipe for ammo is Mitexi, Koorin / Gulatch, Any resin"
"The Ryzom wiki web page is ...."
"BM Weather chart can be found here..."
"BM Material maps can be found here..."
"BM XP Calculator can be found here..."
"Appzone can be found here..."
I certainly would not welcome repeated reminders such as those randomly spammed in uni ... if someone asks, will respond immediately if i see it.
A player "interested in learning about opportunities in game" would read those resources when directed thereto. If sent to Ryzom Wiki / or BM. I'd see the strategy guides on Wiki and the Dressing Room on BM ...
Can RyGReg be right in that you were "last seen on Atys" on May 25th. If that's the case, it would certainly be understandable that you weren't up on scheduling or other new activities. I see on the web site that PT has 1.46 points so someone in guild apparently knows about them. Someone was there on 04-15-2017, 12-28-16, 11-06-16 and 08-23-16.
For the mini bosses, I see you, Itzy, Sherkalyn and Hwinoree on the list. How do you track your mini boss points ? Who registers your attendance thru the app or whatever to get it listed here ?
And since the "nobody knows" subject was broached here in this thread, I have been asking at other random times if anyone is unaware of the Hunts and, again, no responses other than "when is next one" ?
Granted, I would love to have a small box for **regularly scheduled** player events like group hunts, craft fairs etc which could by submitted and the event team decides whether they qualify for the spot. It's not like the page doesn't have loads of empty space. But that hasn't happened as yet and **if someone wants to participate** or find out what it's all about, all they need to do is ask.
Not everyone in guild participates in the various activities, but in our guild forum, we have threads for most all the events that happen on Atys.
The GMOTD always lists a) Next NPC Hunt, b) Next Season Change, c) Upcoming Atys Events of note and d) OP Battles if any
I, and others, don't go to OP battles so those have no interest in when they occur. We do make it our business however to make sure that our guild members, new and old, know about such events thru forum posts and GMOTD because we want our members to be aware of the various opportunities available.
The "Make a Choice" thing, is just illogical. Scheduling an event at the same time as another event is simply "Bad Planning". If it was unavoidable, yes, the choice thing makes sense; but that is certainly not the case here with a relatively empty calendar most of the time.
This week there are Zorai meetings on the 5th and the 8th, a Matis meeting on the 7th, same as the Hunt. With 3 events that week, maybe it couldn't be avoided, so yes, "make a choice" would then apply **in this instance**. Still, assuming an equal potential audience, which one gets more attendees ?
For the rest of September, the event team managed not to conflict ... that's good planning. As for the staff being unaware, that has already been addressed by staff as "unimaginable".