The Markets
"Bankun Elea.
– Kikoo, teenies. As I told you, precious materials were coming so thick and fast that over time, markets appeared. The second black market was created.
– Oh ! The second ?
– Yes, the first one was so secret I heard about it too late...
So, for the next one, we saw posters displayed everywhere by the guild of the Œil des Bas-Fonds (The Eye of the Cesspool). There a little of everything was to be found...
Then came up the market organized in Yrkanis by the Jardins d'Atys (The Gardens of Atys).
– Oh! They were trading on black market, too?
– Nay.*laughs* This was the first official market in the Forest, which took place once a week. The Gardeners were selling there what their OPs produced...
Others followed, of course.
– Yep! I heard about a marketplace in Fairhaven.
– Yes, this one gathered several guilds, such as the Garde des Dragons Noirs (The Guard of the Black Dragon), and crafters like Kiwalie, Djiper, me and later Stcentor. We took orders for armour and weapons of all kinds and were delivering them within a week. I think it was the market that lasted the longest. I had a lot of light and medium armour orders from refugees but also for special occasions such as birthdays, weddings...
– Ah! Speaking about weddings, when yours took place?
– We'll see about that some other time.*smiles* In the meantime, don't forget: the next black market is coming soon. Let your ears hang out. Night teenies.
– Banrund, the seamstress
"Bankun Elea.
– Kikoo, teenies. As I told you, precious materials were coming so thick and fast that over time, markets appeared. The second black market was created.
– Oh ! The second ?
– Yes, the first one was so secret I heard about it too late...
So, for the next one, we saw posters displayed everywhere by the guild of the Œil des Bas-Fonds (The Eye of the Cesspool). There a little of everything was to be found...
Then came up the market organized in Yrkanis by the Jardins d'Atys (The Gardens of Atys).
– Oh! They were trading on black market, too?
– Nay.*laughs* This was the first official market in the Forest, which took place once a week. The Gardeners were selling there what their OPs produced...
Others followed, of course.
– Yep! I heard about a marketplace in Fairhaven.
– Yes, this one gathered several guilds, such as the Garde des Dragons Noirs (The Guard of the Black Dragon), and crafters like Kiwalie, Djiper, me and later Stcentor. We took orders for armour and weapons of all kinds and were delivering them within a week. I think it was the market that lasted the longest. I had a lot of light and medium armour orders from refugees but also for special occasions such as birthdays, weddings...
– Ah! Speaking about weddings, when yours took place?
– We'll see about that some other time.*smiles* In the meantime, don't forget: the next black market is coming soon. Let your ears hang out. Night teenies.
– Banrund, the seamstress