Mémoires d'homine

The Fairs

"Bankun, seamstress. Say, was there any other cool stuff back then? Like Playhomin? *Elea smiles and sits in the circle around the fire*
– Kikoo, teenies! Yes, there were other good times. Let's see... *takes over his diary and sees a green and blue tryker outfit*. Here we are: the first Lakes Fair. It all began in 2526 with a meeting at the bar of Fairhaven, where Chrys began to sing the epics and legends of Trykoth while drinking liquor. Always said that Trykers don't hold their drink, oh my... yker
– Boy, it's getting long in the tooth.
– The Lakes have indeed always been animated. The Trykers weren't just squatting in the bar, they were trying to give life to the Lakes. yker There were even poetry contests a la tryker... [/i]*smiles*
– Then came the Temples. But once those erected, the tradition resumed even more. There has been a party where a light outfit was created. It was a medium-finish green Tryker vest with a blue high-finish dress. At a Stcentor event, that is to say much later, for another party in the Lakes, I made it again from memory.
– The Lake Fairs became known throughout Atys. We saw other fairs being created, in the Jungle included. In 2528, the Zoraï Alliance organized the first fair. They were far away from Tryker binges.
*smiles* Wongfeihung even ran a portrait booth while Origami ran a stand of dating between singles with a haikus contest. 27avendale
– Oh? That's definitely the Zorai, dark horses behind their mask! Were there other fairs elsewhere?
– The Matis were too focused on preparing for weddings and the Fyros were focused on tournaments preparation. But these are other stories.
*smiles*Night teenies.
– Bankun seamstress.


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