My encounter of Shen
"Hey, seamstress, we wanted to know, did not you participate in the auction? Beathnic was yet not devoid of charm.
– Me? Nay, I only had eyes for Shenshantag at the time.
– Oh, who is he?
– He was a dark Matis of The Cercle (The Circle).
– How did you know him?
– Oh,*sigh* I met him in Davae's stable. At that time he was married to Eleanin, a beautiful and noble Obsidienne (Obsidian). I met him one day, proud with his crossbow. This is how I discovered range weapons that then were not fashionable. She looked like an Amazon with this weapon, the gorgeous Eleanin. I think that then she already wanted to travel, to see something else, to see other horizons...
– And Shen-whatshisname, how was he?
– When I met him, he was very obscure. He always had a Tryker with him, as Deed was once, whom he used as servant. He drank a lot of shooki liquor and sometimes stayed whole nights in his Yrkanis lab. He used to go out to hunt with his guild, his family, the Cercle des Profondeurs d'Atys (Circle of Atys' Depths).
– Karas?
– Yes.*smiles* Their leader Shaarm was gentle and firm. She was inspiring respect. She was a leader. As Lilithe was when succeeding her. It was better because there were pigheaded ones among them including Bouigyssimo, Kresselack. There were also great crafters like Mearthis and her jewels, and later Abyssandra, always accompanied by her guynouille even when she crafted heavy armors*laughs* and Shen and his amps. At the time of the Temples, their choice was to continue following Jena and especially her technology. They were welded, a genuine family.
– But Shen, if he was so dark, why were you with him?
– Ah, the heart has its reason that reason has not.*smiles* When one is in love, one is sometimes troubled or one accepts the other as he/she is.
– A bit like you and Oshi?
– Yes,*smiles* except that Shen at my touch was opening himself to others, to other ideas. He was trying to understand what I was seeing. He respected my friends even if they were his enemies. Besides, he some day offered flowers to Req.*laughs Bouille was to deliver his flowers to her. What he did, but with great caution.
– Ah?*not understanding her laugh*
– Yes, Bouille had to hold the flowers in heavy gloves so much thorns there were.*they all laugh* / One day, Shen said to me: "Hey, I met your friend the Fyros on the OP... You know, the one who always says "Kind regards" by saying goodbye.
– Oh, Ravhoney?
– Yes that's right, Ravenak.
– Hope you didn't hit him too hard.
– Uh... No, no... He was healing Req, so she served me as a target."
– And he bursted laughing. Usually, I was asking Ravhoney or Misugi or Reqsweet to find out if Shen did not hit too hard and they answered me "Don't worry, he also took." or "Don't worry, li'l Elea, he just tickled me." We all laughed and I left reassured despite the bruises and bandages I was seeing.
– Say, were you so naive?
– No, my friends were nice. I just made sure they were all right and that everything was fair. And then, sometimes, I avenged them.*laughs* I sometimes took Shen in Primes to escort me on my foraging. He hated that. He was bored.
– He was not foraging?
– Oulla! Shen, forage? *laughs* I made him do foraging in Forest to finish his training in amp crafting, and I even helped him finish his apprenticeship in heavy armor crafting with materials I foraged in Primes. All I foraged there was for him. Then he discovered the autolauncher. And that has been the beginning the end. His love for Fangfang took over and I transferred love to Bipbip, which I had just received from Makita, one of my protégés. There I go, it is getting late, the wake was long this time. Sorry. Do not delay to go to rest, there is battle tomorrow.
– banrund, seamstress.
"Hey, seamstress, we wanted to know, did not you participate in the auction? Beathnic was yet not devoid of charm.
– Me? Nay, I only had eyes for Shenshantag at the time.
– Oh, who is he?
– He was a dark Matis of The Cercle (The Circle).
– How did you know him?
– Oh,*sigh* I met him in Davae's stable. At that time he was married to Eleanin, a beautiful and noble Obsidienne (Obsidian). I met him one day, proud with his crossbow. This is how I discovered range weapons that then were not fashionable. She looked like an Amazon with this weapon, the gorgeous Eleanin. I think that then she already wanted to travel, to see something else, to see other horizons...
– And Shen-whatshisname, how was he?
– When I met him, he was very obscure. He always had a Tryker with him, as Deed was once, whom he used as servant. He drank a lot of shooki liquor and sometimes stayed whole nights in his Yrkanis lab. He used to go out to hunt with his guild, his family, the Cercle des Profondeurs d'Atys (Circle of Atys' Depths).
– Karas?
– Yes.*smiles* Their leader Shaarm was gentle and firm. She was inspiring respect. She was a leader. As Lilithe was when succeeding her. It was better because there were pigheaded ones among them including Bouigyssimo, Kresselack. There were also great crafters like Mearthis and her jewels, and later Abyssandra, always accompanied by her guynouille even when she crafted heavy armors*laughs* and Shen and his amps. At the time of the Temples, their choice was to continue following Jena and especially her technology. They were welded, a genuine family.
– But Shen, if he was so dark, why were you with him?
– Ah, the heart has its reason that reason has not.*smiles* When one is in love, one is sometimes troubled or one accepts the other as he/she is.
– A bit like you and Oshi?
– Yes,*smiles* except that Shen at my touch was opening himself to others, to other ideas. He was trying to understand what I was seeing. He respected my friends even if they were his enemies. Besides, he some day offered flowers to Req.*laughs Bouille was to deliver his flowers to her. What he did, but with great caution.
– Ah?*not understanding her laugh*
– Yes, Bouille had to hold the flowers in heavy gloves so much thorns there were.*they all laugh* / One day, Shen said to me: "Hey, I met your friend the Fyros on the OP... You know, the one who always says "Kind regards" by saying goodbye.
– Oh, Ravhoney?
– Yes that's right, Ravenak.
– Hope you didn't hit him too hard.
– Uh... No, no... He was healing Req, so she served me as a target."
– And he bursted laughing. Usually, I was asking Ravhoney or Misugi or Reqsweet to find out if Shen did not hit too hard and they answered me "Don't worry, he also took." or "Don't worry, li'l Elea, he just tickled me." We all laughed and I left reassured despite the bruises and bandages I was seeing.
– Say, were you so naive?
– No, my friends were nice. I just made sure they were all right and that everything was fair. And then, sometimes, I avenged them.*laughs* I sometimes took Shen in Primes to escort me on my foraging. He hated that. He was bored.
– He was not foraging?
– Oulla! Shen, forage? *laughs* I made him do foraging in Forest to finish his training in amp crafting, and I even helped him finish his apprenticeship in heavy armor crafting with materials I foraged in Primes. All I foraged there was for him. Then he discovered the autolauncher. And that has been the beginning the end. His love for Fangfang took over and I transferred love to Bipbip, which I had just received from Makita, one of my protégés. There I go, it is getting late, the wake was long this time. Sorry. Do not delay to go to rest, there is battle tomorrow.
– banrund, seamstress.