Vassalité de Guilde

Perhaps I am being naive to think that the Kami and Kara factions would put themselves in a position where they could be blamed for starting hostilities.

Much better for the more extreme kami, kara and separatist factions to provide support for one of the tribes so that tribe could carry out (and be blamed for)the anti-kami or anti-kara or pro-homin raids.

I don't know the lore well enough to suggest three tribes so I will just refer to them as:
pro-kami warlord tribe
pro-kara warlord tribe
pro-homin warlord tribe

In this way a player could gain fame with one of the three warlord factions without loosing their existing teleport choices.

The pro-homin warlord tribe is probably in PR and would have it's own portals or teleports to the surface worlds?

I may be off-topic but it seems to me that the kara are doing some research on controlling the kitins through the use of extracts of goo. (Some might refer to this as a Black Art). The ability to summon herds of Kitin to openly fight for you (or to secretly attack your opponents outposts without causing any blame to fall on you) would no doubt be something that would be irresistable to anyone wanting to increase their own power.

I think that the pro-kara warlord tribe  should be able to summon kitin to fight for them. They could sell 'Kitin summon tokens'.

The 'Summon Kitin Token' is purchased using 'pro-kara Warlord Tokens'.

The cost of summoning a kitin should decrease as the players fame with that tribe increases.

In terms of the AI for the summoned kitin I think it could be aggro towards players with a low fame with the 'pro-kara warlord tribe'. 

There could be a heirarchy of guilds that support one of the tribes:
'Kingdom level guilds' (above 150 fame with the pro-kara tribe)
'Champion guild' -  highest fame with the pro-kara tribe.
'Warlord level guilds' (above 100 fame with the pro-kara tribe)
'Serf level guilds' (above 50 fame)

If a player in a pro-Kara guild gains (say) 10,000 'pro-Kara Warlord tokens' then 2,500 'pro-Kara Warlord tokens' would be given to every 'Serf level guild', 5,000 'pro-Kara Warlord tokens' would be given to every 'Warlord level guild' and 7,500 'pro-Kara Warlord tokens' would be given to every 'Kingdom level guild' the 'Champion guild'.

To provide a benefit for each of the 3 warlord tribes they could have a unique action like 'Summon kitin', maybe they could be:

Summon Kitin (for pro-kara)
Summon defender of the one mind (for pro-kami)
A new 'interrupt heals' for mellee attackers (for mara)

The new bonuses should not be balanced enough to support stagnation of the game, they should present new oportunities for players to develop new strategies - not just enforce the Staus Quo so all new blood leaves.
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