Vassalité de Guilde

I have only just started playing Ryzom so I haven't chosen a theology yet but it seems to me that some existing choices for the theolgy of the Warlords Movements would be:

+ Pro Kami
+ Pro Kara
+ Separatists (mara)

and of course 

+ Non aligned (choosing to not support any of the three theologies)

There could be a "War Chest" where any of the guild members that are aligned can deposit stuff to help the war effort.

Any support (donations of dapper, armor, weapons or joining OP raid) given to one of the 3 Warlords would be rewarded with "Warlord Tokens".

"Warlord tokens" would be a new currency.

"Warlord tokens" could be used to purchase
+ new crafting recipees
+ OP mats
+ new weapons and armor from a "Warlord Vendor"
+ stuff from the "War chest" (cheap to buy)
+ new 'haircuts'/'head covering' specific to that "Warlord"
+ teleports to places like Prime Roots

Obtaining Warlord tokens would result in large negative fame gains-
Gaining tokens from the "Pro Kami" Warlord would reduce your fame with Kara
Gaining tokens from the "Pro Kara" Warlord would reduce your fame with Kami
Gaining tokens from the "Separatists" would reduce your fame with both kami and kara.

It seems that:
people with the largest kami fame should have more votes when it comes to calling for an attack on an OP?
people with the largest kami fame should have more votes when it comes to calling for an attack on an OP? 
people with the lowest kami+kara fame should have more votes when it comes to calling for an attack on an OP?

But I am only a Noob so I don't understand any of the late game stuff.
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Last visit Friday, 28 June 18:59:41 UTC

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