New loot locking system - July 6th 2017

Whilst I don't disagree that, ideally, an automatic distribution of the loot, to all those involved in the fight is the best way, it is not clear cut as to who they would be. Do you just distribute amongst those in the loot lock team and leave it down the that team to acknowledge the potential help from others? Do you develop some complex algorithm to decide who was doing damage and who was healing at the time?

The second issue is that automatic distribution has a basic arithmetic problem. Regardless of how many items are given as loot, how do you distribute fairly between 2,3,4,5,6,7 or however many there are in the team, when we cannot give a fraction of a bone, bud, tooth, horn or whatever the items are to be looted?

To do this fairly, the number of items would need to be dynamic and that would create an additional problem. For example why should a team of seven get more items, in total, than a team of two, simply because we cannot give fractions of an item.

The way in which we distribute loot at present, is to divide the loot by the number of guilds involved but the same issue of fractional parts of an item still arises and, currently it is up to the homin distributing the loot to decide on the most appropriate way.
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