Bunny Tools 3.0 - Bugs, Ideas, Feature Requests, Comments

An error in the Exe Resource Tool has been corrected.  Knot of Dementia in Jungle was listed as 150 area, bit in reality is a 200 area ... ya think I would know that as our OP is in the region and its only been like 10 years.

The error was discovered by Lialotta and at first, I was thinkin, "how could it be in error for all these years and nobody noticed ?" ... plus given the name of the toom who reported it ... "Lie-a-lotta" ..   shouldn't I hav ebeen suspicious  ? :).

Nevertheless it has now been corrected thanks to Lialotta's sharp eyes and Karu's magic. Lialotta gets a horde of OP Tools and whatever she asks for in the next month. <reasonable limits apply>


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