Technical Support

Node and Mob Shifts

Newer compiler might produce different machine code, but the behaviour of the code is still the same, whether it's compiled with a 1990-era compiler or a 2017-one, thankfully. There is no such thing as tooling changing the monster spawn.
32bit app has access to 387 fpmath, but 64bit apps are using sse emulation. Compiler switches again modify sse behaviour.

So 32bit gives different results than 64bit and 64bit gives different results based compiler switches. Its not like 2+2 = 3 all of the sudden, but ryzom does not use integer part much from those expressions.

Thats why weather is full integer math (hash) now.

You're right, I was a little simplifying, but the difference only matters for very precise calculations like weather. The spawn algorithm is relatively easy, it's mostly a random position in polygon - so not much float calculation, it's maybe a .1 difference in position (as you said, we are not even close to 2+2=3), which is irrelevant (both for monster and node shift). Unless the spawn algorithm result in undefined behaviour (but as far as I've seen, it's not the case), it should not create a visible change.

So it's 100% confirmation bias and spot beeing quite big, or maybe ulukyn is playing with the spot for fun :-)


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Last visit Saturday, 1 June 13:40:04 UTC

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