New loot locking system - July 6th 2017

I don't see why Ryzom has to punish other players for helping to kill a boss. I suggest a different approach: Everyone who helped gets rewarded with different reward tiers.

Keep the dealt damage % as measurement and add reward tiers. For example:

Tier 1: Minimum reward, needs 5% or more total damage to the boss. 5 mats.
Tier 2: Standard reward, needs 20% or more total damage to the boss. 20 mats.
Tier 3: Bonus reward, needs 50% total or more total damage to the boss. 60 mats.

So if a team is killing a boss and non teamed players start attacking it, it could work like this:

Team 73% damage, 60 lootable mats for one member of the team, can share internally.

Player A: 21% damage, 20 lootable mats for the player.

Player B: 5% damage, 5 lootable mats for the player.

Player C: 1% damage, no loot

Last one prevents player from just hitting a boss once or twice and get rewarded for basically no contribution. With this a boss reward is divided up into different loot scenarios, fully automated and with little work. It would be nice to tell the player their current reward / loot tier, but this might be technically challenging.

The percentages have to add up to 100% so it is impossible to infinitely get loot. If two teams attack it, it will be likely one does > 50% and the other automatically less, so 60 mats and 20 mats. This could add their own little challenges on killing bosses, who gets more then half of its hp down.

Technical implementation could be: attach a player => damage list to each boss. For each successful hit sum up the damage for the player. If the boss is dead, go through the damage list and decide for each player if allowed to loot and amount of mats.

Could also add a timeout, so if no damage is dealt for 5 min the player gets removed from the list and has to start again.

I have seen this in other mmos and it works nicely. It draws player together and rewards teamwork on a larger scale. If you look at the regular NPC hunt organized by the community, a similar system is in place. Everyone who helped gets a share in the end.



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