Mémoires d'homine

First vigil

Elea did not know how to take up the first vigil. But with a resolute step, she made her way to the fire in the back of the camp. She immediately recognized the voice of the guard which had become so familiar to her.
"Hey! The seamstress, come and sit here and tell us one of your stories."

And then, it all began. She no longer had to mull over. You had to get going.

"Hello, I am Eleanide.
– Blah blah, don't worry, all of them know you. They see you come and go in the camp and beware your pickaxe.
– OK! So, what you want to know?"

Elea kept her diary, of which she had reread some pages the day before.

"In the beginning, when you arrived, how was it going without Chiang?
– Whoa! Not yersterday's stuff."
– Which year was it?"
– Uh... Let's see *opens her diary, reads the date* in Germinally 2526. My mother left me on the Matis island thinking that I would better integrate considering the whiteness of my skin. During this first winter on Atys, I walked the Bark with great curiosity and discovered a territory where I was free.
I met Glorfindel and Ephemede, two young refugees with whom I was hunting.
"A Matis and a Fyros girl?"
– Fail! At that time on this island, Matis only were accepted at the reception, the other races were relegated on other islands with their races. Even guards and merchants were all Matis. And so we had access only to Matis craft.
– Oh? No thong-kirt? Nor shorts?
– Hu! Nay, only nun's gowns... sober, I mean. And Chiang was not there to tell us that it existed, nor to guide us, to help. Luckily, there was the beautiful Sithi in her violet outfit and some older, older refugees to watch over us newbs as we were then. I stayed on the island to discover foraging that I did not know at all. From where I came from a child could not access it. I discovered new techniques of magic and combat too. I watched the merchant's pretty outfits while Ephesus, more pragmatic, watched for the most effective weapons. *Hihi* One day she bought a pistol that was of no use to her, as no merchant and none on the island could craft ammunition.
– Oh! No launchers?
– Whoa, nay! Only old-school, as liked by Glorfindel: blows of sword and magic. One day Glorfindel and then Ephemede, more seasoned than I, set out for the continent leaving me alone to my apprenticeship. I then concentrated on the thorough discovery of the territory.
– Yeah... You farted around, that's it! Were you afraid to follow them?
– Pfff... I did not feel ready to join a bigger land and I was hoping my mother would come back. Then, on spring, I was called out "Are you Eleanide?" I answered "Yes." And the guard gave me a fold that I opened with haste, hoping it was from my mother, but I did not recognize the writing.
"Eleanide, bring your bottom to the mainland, stop daydreaming. It is not on the island that you will learn much. Join me in Yrkanis tomorrow, I'm waiting for you! " .
And it was signed "Moonblades, your brother". Ah, here is the half-brother my mother had spoken me of and whom I had to join. I obeyed, and the next day, bundle on my back, I set out for the mainland. And that's how I got here. That will be all for tonight, a long day awaits us tomorrow. Night all."

Elea stood up leaving them to their barrels and chatting. On her way, she heard "night", "bankun".


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