The Book of Guilds -- Technical non RP information

Ahhh ... I didn't pick up this thread as RyGReg wasn't in the title or would have commented sooner and added suggestions for future additions here.  Love the app so in the interests of making it even better before version 1.0 arrives, .... will list the ones we spoke of for open discussion so folks following the thread can comment and add as I get more experience using it.  So here's my "Wish List".  Most of these fall into "two categories"

a.  User added info
b.  Data there, GUI tweaks

1.  Add a field for a link to the guild's IG forum thread in  "Guild Registry"

2.  Add space for a link to the guild's out of game web site if they have one.

3.  When you open the app, on "home page" put a quick link to folks own guild so they don't have to search for themselves.

4.  Right below allow users to add a quick link to  "Sister Guilds" (folks they are especially friendly with) so they can keep up with their friends activities.

5.  Search function for peeps in the RyGreg database.  So if I searched for Moniq, i would know that, for example, you left PT and joined a Marauder guild :) .... yeay, you added that since we spoke :)

6.  A spot to list origin of guild pre-merge .. i.e. "Arispotle Server , September 14, 2004"

7.  A "News" section where they can post  news Like "Bittymacod marries 4th wife"

8.  A way for guilds to "hide" members (status active or inactive)  w/o deleting them from the database.  Maybe add a "Inactive Members" page in case folks wanna see the status of a IG friend from years ago and how long since been around.

9.  A say for users to "hide / unhide" the activity list and / or control what is "on screen".

10.  An option to "Hide" the MOTD from display.  For example if you had "Phaedras Tears planning to declare on Fluffy Bunnies OP on June 14", you prolly don't want that being publically vieweable :)


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