Discussion around "Ryzom moves to Freemium model announcement!"

Thank you for the replies Daomei!

I have been around off and on for a very long time, but did not leave the game until 2011 the first time after the servers merged. The point that I was making was that the free game to 125 does not really work if you want to have people playing the game for a long time. Even if you are a free to play you will bring in more people to play the game with you if you are having fun. Those people may decide to sub OR you are at least playing high level content with other people that pay to play and that means that more people will sub for the other items like storage. I was simply saying more focus should have been on the perks to subbing and not on limiting the content of the game.

We may lose alts, but if you think about it...in the past we got 8 people together to go out and find bosses...and now we are often running around solo/duo killing bosses because we just run 4 toons and need nobody else. If we keep it that way we will kill the game for people later. We want to have a full team of people...its more fun that way.

The UDP vs TCP was just an issue that I brought up because it should have been fixed a long time ago as it is being used less and less. Things like jumping actually is the reason why 5 of my friends chose not to play this game. If they could not jump they were immediately turned off to the game. The simple freedom of jumping would really help with retention.

But I do agree...multi team challenges, additions to the lore, completing things from the start of the game that are still incomplete would be great, but from what I have been told is that the code for Ryzom is so hard to add to that it becomes very difficult to add things to the game and fix problems and that it needs to be rewrote so that things can be added without any problems. (Not sure if that is true or not just what I was told)
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Last visit Friday, 28 June 02:54:10 UTC

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