Discussion around "Ryzom moves to Freemium model announcement!"

Thank you for the work on this patch, this is a wonderful step in the right direction and with most of the work done you can tweak it to make it right.

First and foremost, the limiting of your current player bases ability to play the game should have never happened. It is not going to make your current players subscribe to more accounts to careplan their nodes properly. Now i know you are able to dig without a careplanner, but the thing is is that this is a nicety not a need and we like our careplanners. This makes me want to not support the game with the accounts that I do subscribe.

We also have no reason to have a new player assist us in careplanning because we cannot dig level 250 mats with them in team as a f2p. YOU JUST ALIENATED THE PLAYER BASE YOU ARE TRYING TO RECRUIT. Let's not let 250 diggers team with f2p diggers.

And take out the stupid tool levels it didn't help at all! I can make a million dappers a day in 5 missions.

Secondly, you forgot to limit a players dodge and parry when they have level 250 skills and are reverted to f2p. This means that my alt has higher stats then other f2p players which means that I have an advantage in pvp and just playing the game in general because my alt has a higher chance of dodging or parrying now. Also as level is the biggest deciding factor in accuracy we need to know if people that are reverting to f2p with a 250 will have their accuracy reduced or not because if not it gives them a significant advantage once again.

*Items are not always properly greyed out on the merchants as the should be if you cannot use them. Tools show use able all the way to 250 because they have not requirements on the individual tool.

Third, who's bright idea was it to not release all skills up to 250 and add in the perks like catylzers and op weapons and teleports above 150 zones, packers, apartments, and guild halls to pay to play. I mean if you want people to play the game then drag them into the game and add in the niceties that they will want to the pay to play features. Limiting their levels to 125 and their gear to 150 does not allow them to fully participate in the entire game effectively. I would much rather see 10,000 people running around the game leveling up and bringing in more people then the occasional person that I see run by me once every hour or two. Let the people play...give them other things to get with the premium accounts.

Fourth, people will say that we will then have a problem with too many alts at op battles if f2p can be 250. The truth is we already have a problem with too many alts at op battles. I remember when we have 300 vs 300 defending Woodburn Stronghold and we fought for hours and there were no alts. Ban alts from OP battles (let the flaming begin). Alts are a big problem, but they are only a problem because we do not have a big enough community in the game anymore. Ban them from OP battles and let people use 1-3 alts in the rest of the game. Once our community is back up then we do not need alts and most people will stop using multiple alts.

Fifth, we need content we can buy or play. This game has not had a significant content up grade in 12 years. We have a few things here and there, but there has been almost nothing in 12 years. We have been asking for new types of mounts and packers, boats, different types of storage, ways to increase your success chance while crafting or your boost chance while using a tool...or decrease your chance of failing a craft. Give us content to give us a reason to give you more money, but without this we will not be giving you more money and the game will not be able to higher more people and expand.

Sixth, Ryzom is a wonderful game that has not had another game like it, but it is dying due to lack of content in the end game. If content cannot be built into the game easily why not stop with the new zone and the new content and develop Ryzom on a modern platform that incorporates all the elements that make Ryzom amazing into a new modern version that is easy to adding things into that will allow the story of Ryzom to continue to grow! You can fix all of the problems like not jumping and using UDP instead of TCP. YOUR GAME MUST EVOLVE OR IT WILL DIE!!!

Seventh, Rein in CSR's that are abusing their powers. WE ALL know of CSR's that scout bosses and tell people where other people are in the PR and other zones once tagged. It needs to stop and is ruining the game for many people.

Eighth, Whatever you do, do not add in pay to win features because it will drive people away. We do not want to see people buying supreme mats or boss respawn packs. That will just ruin the game.

People want to play the game, but they want to play the game at max level and people will pay to play the game, but we need those people that do not want to pay to give us people that do want to pay the ability to team and level with people again. The ability to have a real op battle again and the ability to really truly enjoy having a community again.

The most important part of this whole endeavor is to get people to play....and you have failed at that. Now you must tweak this to make it better!!!



*I know everyone has their opinions. These opinions are mine based off of the thousands of hours I have put into this game and many others. Please quote, share, and argue these points because we only get better by collaborating!!!
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Last visit Friday, 28 June 02:55:03 UTC

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