Zhan returned to Zora.
She sat in the temple of Zora in front of the Kami Master, she took out
the amber vial of her bag she received from the nélakito in his ''moment of kindness.''
She put it between the Kami and her.
- Forgive him Kamis because he sinned, his mind is empty, the same that
contains this vial. He doesn't know what he is doing, help him find his way
towards health, for his mind is sick, like my body.
Zhan looked at the vial and fought the desire to taste again the illusion.
Her conversation with Shepeng gave her hope. She had learned a lot from
The last two days. She had come to realize several things.
- Know your ennemy
She knew him at her own expense and against her will but now she knew several
things about him. She discovered his business and concerns.
Wui-Yu Ruz was looking for customers. That mean he would continue to hurt
people. She had now an idea of his modus operandi, the zorai'i wouldn't hesitate
to shoot his prey to create an addiction and encourage them to come back
to him. Zhan began to understand why Busang did lost her mind the other day,
one of the products he owned was terrible.
Zhan looked at the vial.
He confessed that he was a loner, so he was probably acting alone.
Not affiliated with the Antikamis or Marauders.
-This war isn't one, it is your will against mine.
When Wui-Yu Ruz pierced the shoulder of the Awakened wiith his sword,
she knew that weapons were useless against him. He struck less harder than
her but with an accuracy and prodigious speed. She couldn't tell which master
of arms teached that style... but it was effective. Zhan would learn about that
precision and rapidity. She had to flee, reaching Zora was her ultimate salvation,
swept away by the lightening of a kincher who smelled her. Too bad, she could
has avoid the consequences that followed.
Zhan stared the vial again and sweat began to drip from her mask.
-Let me see that world without feeling hate.
Zhan now had a goal. She had discovered it during the meeting with the matis
botanist and the Karan's court. Several matis stared her with mistrust, she smiled
kindly in return. Even the botanist turned pale as he realized her presence.
And when a matis turn that pale ... Like snow. She had been glad to have the
right to remain with the company. They were tolerant and reasonable.
The young zorai ambassador was only more happy to bring some good news.
Zhan didn't want to hate the followers of Jena, their faith gave them a purpose
like the Kamis had done it for her. Marauders do not believe in anything.
Fallen souls. Of course, she disapproved of the actions of the karavan towards
Atys. They defiled the planet and that was a fact and a problem. How to fix
this problem? There is the question.
The Kami placed his hand on Zhan's head and looked at her with a smile.
It was late and the homina was really at the end of her strength, she put back
her burden in her bag and stood up. She begged the Kami to forgive her for
bringing an evil artifact at the temple. Her body was heavy and numb.
She put the vial in her apartments before coming back the family shizu.
Zhan had no dream that night but slept twice long as usual.
Wu ZhanAmbassadrice Zorai
Éveillée Zorai
Bénie de Ma'Duk