Juhuu, pls stick with post point and dont throw crap, for that make a new post pls.Sin is just trying give some ideas to improve the game play.
I second that we should not argue ad homin(em), and I agree that Sinvader's intention surely is to make the game better. But as Bittty and Gidget already argued, the remedies proposed are doubted.
And he somehow attracts harsh contradiction, for example when asserting that the ranger rite were "pure gameplay not RP". Indeed the implementation of the things he proposed would be "pure gameplay" either. And the players forming the ranger organization are a rather stable community of players interacting since 2012 in RP activities though the promises of implementing the game mechanics for them have been postponed again and again now looking forward to be completed in 8 weeks or so (hopefully). Watch the embassies part of roleplay forums for the minutes. And the rangers seem to be attracting players though they are not PvP oriented at all and very much cooperation oriented towards all homins of every cult and nationality or organization. Btw., even the initial rite missions to become an apprentice pathfinder and ranger aspirant are orders of magnitude harder than the rites of cults, nations, or marauders, and the upcoming rite has been announced to be ways harder than those.
Further on, believing that Atys does not need new regions misses the desires and needs of all exploration oriented players - and I think there are a lot. For me, indeed, the known parts of the living planet, seemingly endless when I started end of 2010, have become somewhat too small, and I yearn to see and explore the ruins of homin culture in the ancient lands, the battlefields of the temple wars (which I saw shortly before the second swarming), or even completely new parts of the planet like the deeper prime roots, or the lands above on the branches of the canopy.
Btw., alt (alternative character) is the english term for reroll in the french community, german gamers often use the pseudo-english term "twinks" or the german "zweities" (for second character), that all means the same. Usage of alts playing simultaneously has been discussed multiple times, and I won't reopen that debate. Playing with up to 4 accounts at a time is accepted gameplay in Ryzom, like it or not.
As to guilds: I am playing without one since my start on Ryzom, and fared well with. It brought some hardships (as did staying neutral without tp services to PR and - until recently - to 250 regions), and less easy access to OP mats. And I disagree to Gidget that it is "ad-hoc guilding" to interact with players of all nations, factions, and guilds. I am able to provide services for them, too, so do guilds as well during inter guild interactions. But I agree that there are many different opinions about what guilds are and should be.
Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral