
How to salvage a new game from Ryzom?

May I ask a few specific questions? I'm missing something critical.

a) Why did France Telecom/ Orange dropped this project the way it did?
(I know this company culture. Many university study it, but they never mention the Ryzom case. The cases studied often are: a) the suicide crisis b) the management crisis c) the social crisis and failure to take rational decision during such time)

b) Why did Ryzom keep changing hand, and did not follow the path of many extremely successful emulator? At some points, agreements could have been made.

I hope not to be rude. I hope that I'm not dropping in the middle of something.
I played Ryzom 1 year after the release and kept coming back. I keep coming back but the lack of players is frustrating.

However the players who manages the game really do things right! but are you alone, if so, why aren't you an emulator of Vanilla Ryzom?
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Last visit Sunday, 16 February 12:30:09 UTC

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