Discussion around "[OOC] Lore F.A.Q"

I am not making myself clear. Apologies.

Take a look at these two scenarios, using the numbers provided in the original Lore thread.

The first uses 1% marriage, while the other uses 5%.
The distribution of marriage is broken down to 25% of total marriages for simplicity, but ultimately it doesn't really matter. It also presumes (erroneously) an offspring from all marriages.

As you can see over time Matis will take over the population. Considering the death rate, (which is using human instead of homin,) if the death rate to birth rate outpaces in any race, that race will die out. Except Matis.

For example, in 22 generation (approx 450 human years) there will be twice as many Matis as Zorai. By generation 50, there are three times as many Matis as Zorai... In 2,000 years the Zorai will be rarely seen, like a "seasonal named MOB", like an endangered species.

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