I have mine in two places, dont know yet wich one is right (and not planning to try, I'm rarely in computer without Ryzom open =P)
On MacOS, if I start with the „Ryzom Installer.app“ the profile in
/Users/yubina/Library/Application Support/Ryzom/0/ is used.
If I start /Users/yubina/Library/Application Support/Ryzom/ryzom_live/Ryzom.app directly, the profile in
/Users/yubina/Library/Application Support/Ryzom/ is used.
I usually start with the installer, I think thats how it’s supposed to be.
(/Users/yubina/Library/Application Support/Ryzom/0/user/map.xml with Ryzom Installer.app
/Users/yubina/Library/Application Support/Ryzom/user/map.xml with Ryzom.app)
Edit: also works with a folder named data instead of user