Technical Support

How to Survive Patches w/ Screen resolution Intact (Windows)

1. Whenever there's a patch, you come back into game after re-launch with your UI a mess because you are now at 1024 x 768 resolution. How to avoid:

a) Assuming you have a desktop or taskbar icon, change the icon orperties to launch from:


instead of ryzom_client_r.exe

2. When there's a patch (or you crash), let it do its thing, and when it relaunches, close Ryzom.

3. Relaunch using your icon via the configuration tool, hut Display and change the resolution and offsets to your choice. For me that is 1920 x 1000 w/ 0 x and y offsets. Hit APPLY and then PLAY RYZOM. let it take you to the character selection page and close again.

4. Launch again same way and it should retain your chosen resolution.


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Last visit Friday, 28 February 01:39:51 UTC

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