
[Dev] Looking for beta-testers for an "item groups" feature

I'm fine with 1 equip time (requires no change server-side), in reality it takes around 3-5 seconds max to change jewels or armor (armor being faster), so 2 equip time for an item set seems fine (that's 10 seconds if you change armor)

Hmmm... it takes me 10-15 seconds (jewels plus armor) *plus* the last load cycle, which fits very well with my 3-5 cycles estimate earlier. Ten seconds is still not long enough in my opinion.

Mjollren -- Two of your examples involve PvP where I already acknowledged the usefulness of it.

The other two involve cases where, under the current situation you can hit MPA and change armor (or just run away), so it's only a matter of convenience and I will continue to hold that it ought to take time. The game is balanced.

I have already said I like the convenience. We don't need super-speed to go with the convenience.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
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