
[Dev] Looking for beta-testers for an "item groups" feature

@ Bittty:

This feature is useful in several situations when you need to change gear.

Let's pick one: say you're a healer, and your tank pulled several aggros accidentally (e.g. najabs or kinchers, I've had it happen so many times I lost count). You healed before you realized what's happening. The tank is going to die, and you need to escape fast. It would be HIGHLY useful to be able to automatically equip your HA that 's sitting in your bag, so that you don't have to bother clicking items piece-wise while aggros are biting at your arse. Why do you change into HA? You already have low hp (at best, ~4k from being in LA), but if you change into HA you absorb more damage and increase your chances to survive.

Let's pick another example: you're killing a boss in Lands of Umbra. Enough said. You don't really want to pvp - but it not up to you, if someone teleports in the region and attacks you, you could use a way to quickly change your jewels to a pvp set. Same for digging in a pvp-enabled region. Going from focus jewels to pvp may be the difference between life and death.

Third example: you're wearing your focus-boosted LA in PR. You fail to notice the kirosta patrol in time, so they rush to eat you. Try to run away, but most likely you will run into MORE aggros. What would be useful? A quick change to another form of armor, so the boosted one doesn't take unnecessary damage. Oh, and this holds true for the accidental aggro drag. You have a supreme material popped and someone drops an aggro on you, what do you want more? A potential rez, which may take 4 full minutes IF the other person doesn't die too? Or a quick change of gear, giving you more life and more chances at survival, and of coming back to continue digging?

I haven't even gotten into the examples of friendly sparring, where you may have 2-3 pairs of amps with different enchants, but I'm sure you can imagine them.

Yes, all these options "soften" the game experience. I strongly support such a change.


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