Technical Support

Deja Vu All Over Again

After a 10 minute please wait, relogged and again, had everything shrunken.

Tried to reload via ryzom_configuration_rd.exe and again get the

"nel_drv_opengl_win not found message.... last time it was nel_drv_direct3d_win not found message

These files are in the ryzom directory


Launching the game via client_ryzom_rd.exe works fine

Launching the game via ryzom_configuration_rd.exe does not no matter whether I set to auto, openGL or direct 3D

So every time I play the game crashed or patches, have to manually resize everything

ryzom_configuration_qt.exe does work

I always used the 1st one down and file mangler was listing z to a instead of a-z and I always used the 1st one in the list ... my bad ... but any reason why we have both or whatz the difference


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Last visit Sunday, 2 March 19:08:22 UTC

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