I am not sure how to fix your installation. To get a ryzom running quick and dirty, you could use this short howto:
http://app.ryzom.com/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/26077/1# 1
You have to figure whether your Vista is 32bit or 64bit, and download the appropriate client ryzom_live_client_win64.7z or yzom_live_client_win32.7z Once done, unpack the packed data to a directory (folder, fichier) where you want to have it. Ignore the installer. Best download the ryzom_live_data.7z as well and unpack it into the ryzom directory. Copy your save stuff there (it will contain your flags and macros etc.). When done just start by clicking ryzom_client_r.exe
I had several such copies of ryzom in the past, as the patches did not always work to my satisfaction. Automatic patching is making that less useful, nowadays. It is nice, anyway, to have a complete ryzom on a USB disk or stick, makes it portable.
The installer ist a useful tool, but sometimes leads to problems. Have a look at http://forge.ryzom.com/wiki/Ryzom_Installer_Manual , maybe it helps you to understand your problem and find a way out. Otherwise ask a CSR or, even better, try to get one (best Kervala, the client crack) at https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=ryzomsupport .
http://app.ryzom.com/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/26077/1# 1
You have to figure whether your Vista is 32bit or 64bit, and download the appropriate client ryzom_live_client_win64.7z or yzom_live_client_win32.7z Once done, unpack the packed data to a directory (folder, fichier) where you want to have it. Ignore the installer. Best download the ryzom_live_data.7z as well and unpack it into the ryzom directory. Copy your save stuff there (it will contain your flags and macros etc.). When done just start by clicking ryzom_client_r.exe
I had several such copies of ryzom in the past, as the patches did not always work to my satisfaction. Automatic patching is making that less useful, nowadays. It is nice, anyway, to have a complete ryzom on a USB disk or stick, makes it portable.
The installer ist a useful tool, but sometimes leads to problems. Have a look at http://forge.ryzom.com/wiki/Ryzom_Installer_Manual , maybe it helps you to understand your problem and find a way out. Otherwise ask a CSR or, even better, try to get one (best Kervala, the client crack) at https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=ryzomsupport .
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