ONE change to how merchants work - substantially longer time.

Still, biggest problem with the resale, people mostly don’t use it for precious things (only for trash) because they can loose their things easily, so the destruction of anything placed on marked after any amount of time needs to be removed.

I rarely sell anything that I wasn't about two seconds away from destroying. If it's going to be destroyed anyways, I may as well destroy it myself and make almost as many dappers on average without flooding my SysInfo with notifications about unsold gear being removed from the shelf.

As Bittty points out, the current Atysian economy runs largely on gifting and barter. Merchants are useful to those who have neither the connections to get gifts nor the skill to make their own gear, but realistically the usefulness of merchants drops precipitously once one hits Mainland and makes at least one friend.

I suspect that making merchants relevant again may not be possible without larger changes to the economy that I feel are beyond the scope of this discussion.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

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