Depending on the size... u got it Placio. =(
That's the prob : over 3 players, what do u want to hit to get exp (with a mob falling quick like najabs/jugus) ? Plodies are too long. I'm now for sure talking from high lvl exp in this case. For my part, as i'm always solo or in duo, we hit generally plants or jugus depending which lvl we exp. I don't agree that no boost is needed, it might be fun for some newbies (i honestly doubt it) to spend weeks lvling, but despite having fun if my partner(s) are good pals, i would prefer hunting named, gathering mats or whatever instead of bashing mobs during days and days, waiting to be finished with it. That's why i don't lvl anymore secondary skills. Anyway, i'm not motivate anymore to promote this idea considering the poor feedback from this post.
That's the prob : over 3 players, what do u want to hit to get exp (with a mob falling quick like najabs/jugus) ? Plodies are too long. I'm now for sure talking from high lvl exp in this case. For my part, as i'm always solo or in duo, we hit generally plants or jugus depending which lvl we exp. I don't agree that no boost is needed, it might be fun for some newbies (i honestly doubt it) to spend weeks lvling, but despite having fun if my partner(s) are good pals, i would prefer hunting named, gathering mats or whatever instead of bashing mobs during days and days, waiting to be finished with it. That's why i don't lvl anymore secondary skills. Anyway, i'm not motivate anymore to promote this idea considering the poor feedback from this post.