I don't think it's a good thing to try to attract players who are here to master all the skills as quickly as possible and then good bye go to play another game.
Having played for a few years now, I would add this observation:
Everyone plays for their own personal reasons. Some will like to explore, some to tinker with craft recipes, and some will simply like to level. None of the activities is *wrong* per se. In any game.
If you put obstacles in the way of grinding skills, you don't get people who suddenly stop grinding skills. You simply make them quit earlier - after 2 masters instead of 6. I have already seen several people quitting with this message in one form or another, "Bored of grinding".
So .. making leveling difficult doesn't achieve anything in the way you proposed. It simply makes people quit *and* never recommend the game to anyone they know. Specifically because you made the level system too damn difficult.