Sleep bonus - offline exp bonus

This could support occasionnal players, yes, and could be linked to RP because when a player is offline we can imagine his toon is resting, especially if he is in a safe area.

The boost you accumulate should be proportional to your time offline, but with a maximum limit.

When the boost is active you would benefit 50% extra xp (calculated on base xp), taken out from the amount that have been accumulated. It could take like 22 hours offline to fully regenerate it : the ideal for a player who logs only in the evenings. The maximum extra xp amount you can accumulate could be setted in order for the boost to last during 1 or 2 hours of non-stop grinding (depend strongly of the player efficiency).

Additionnaly this could encourage people to make pauses, which is healthy.


Beauté, curiosité, virtuosité !
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Last visit Monday, 17 February 03:27:35 UTC

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