
Whats happening on Atys?

Thank you all for the warm welcome. Arc glad someone took my stable guarding duty(tho I prefered the FH stables). Arfur I had minor role in the website. Rakujitsu our first GL did most of it. I primarily
guarded while he did the grunt work. The website as it stands now is entirely the work of Karu(ported all the data from original site) absolutely a true genius. Kilgoretrout was a Vonnegut character. As an scifi author he was only printed in porn magazines to give them "redeeming social value"so you could sell them legally(long time ago it was the law. How the world has changed):). I'll probably return just need a computer. My gaming setup is in NY I'm in FL using mostly an ipad. Got a lappy but I'm not enthused about gaming on it. I'm ecstatic that I still have friends about./bow to you all for the warm welcome-Kilgoretrout former Guild Leader Ballistic Mystix.


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Last visit Thursday, 6 June 01:32:34 UTC

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