Version 3.0 - Disconnects Disconnects Disconnets

I am running ryzom_client.

Now what do I do?
ryzom_client file is about 30MB, patch_gen_service is about 2MB.

If you really do have patch_gen_service renamed as ryzom_client for some reason, then get new archive from under 'Latest static clients' section (64bit linux I suppose). Do not use Steam version of client.

You should clean /home/user/.local/share/Ryzom from old files by moving them to 'ryzom_old' directory for example.
You need 'data', 'save' folders from there later.

After you downloaded client archive, then unpack it to /home/user/.local/share/Ryzom/ryzom_live
Make these files executable ('chmod +x name' from command line)


Then copy 'data' folder to /home/user/.local/share/Ryzom/ryzom_live
Now copy /home/user/.local/share/Ryzom/ryzom_live/ryzom_installer_qt to /home/user/.local/share/Ryzom and run it
from there (working directory does not matter).

You should see initial 'Welcome' screen, pressing 'OK' should be quick after which you should see changelog text and 'Play', 'Configure' buttons below.
Pressing 'play' should launch client, which should then patch after login.
After patch has restarted client, then exit it and you can copy over 'save' folder to /home/user/.local/share/Ryzom/0/
and also run 'configure' to set parameters.
On installer screen under 'settings/profile' menu, you can make desktop and menu shortcuts for client.

If you want to run configure later, then you must do so using ryzom_installer_qt (or use '-p 0' switch running configure, but installer app is eaier)

Ryzom Installer should be under menu (Games)
I just tried to start Ryzom with the Steam client. It crashed at approximately 63%.
client.log should have some info why it crashes.
Programs/ember_dll64 something close to that. Which seems to be trying to use Wine to run Ryzom as a windows program.
If you using windows version of Steam under linux, then Steam is installing windows version of Ryzom. Dll in question may be steam_dll64.dll

Unless you using Steam to login into Ryzom, then you do not need (or want) Ryzom under Steam and should uninstall it.
By default Steam is keeping files in its own path, so deleting from there does not delete /home/user/.local/Ryzom directory.

If you do use Steam to login into Ryzom, then you should use linux version of Steam.


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Last visit Friday, 28 February 01:58:05 UTC

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