
Q200 Tekorn Weapons, Maga Amps and some q250 Affie amps

Q200 Tekorn daggers: 100dmg/98dodge/100 adv dodge (great for offhand, good for main hand)

Price: 400k each

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Q200 tekorn daggers: 100dmg/100speed

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Q200 1h tekorn sword: High dodge and adv dodge.
Price: 650k each

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Q200 maga amps: Good for grinding ele/heals till lvl 250, better than regular q250 amps IMO, I have some 97% and some 96%.

Price: 650k Each

----------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------Q200 tekorn spear 100dmg/100speed/90dodge

Price: 650 Each

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Q230 Tekorn Spear

Price: 700k

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Q250 BQ Affie Amps: Good for grinding Affie, Good ele stas for enchant nuke.

Price: 750k

Offensive Affliction: 100/100
Defensive Affliction: 100/95
Elemental: 92/89
Heal: 92/64

~~~~~Please send Lamda a tell or in game mail if interested! :D ~~~~~
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Last visit Tuesday, 18 February 18:45:54 UTC

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