Mutual Mac

Client KO - Below Os X El Capitan - Solved

Ok, so after downloading ryzom_client_static_full_osx_3.0.0.7521.7z a little comes up. When i double click on it, i get a message: "" is damaged and can't be opened. You should move it to the Trash. Then it gives me the option to cancel, or Move to Trash. :(

I can however, right click on it, go to 'Show Package contents,' then under the folder 'Contents,' I can go to folder 'MacOS,' click on 'RyzomConfiguration,' then launch it from that app at the bottom from the tab, But...Only if I go to my system preferences and Click on security>General>Open anyways

(I am not sure how to find the Client.log file to send you)
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Last visit Tuesday, 25 February 18:50:23 UTC

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