[Done] Ryzom will move to a real Free to Play concept!

Freemium = "Hey come back and log into your old account... Oh wait you can't use your maxed out skills,items and inventory unless you pay a subscription"

People don't want to pay a monthly sub fee, there are hundreds or games that are totally free to play on steam alone with no restrictions... Trying to compete against those by allowing former subscribed players to log into the game is a frugal effort to attract subscribers, people left the game for a reason which may have something to do with no challenging content being released since pre merger, many other free to play MMOs have taken parts of our community guild wars 2 being a great example.
The effort on behalf of the developers/volunteer staff to move the game forward is nice.


Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, you gain strength.
Through strength, you gain power.
Through power, you gain victory.
Through victory, your chains are broken.
Ma-Duk shall free you.
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Last visit Saturday, 28 September 06:14:10 UTC

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