[Done] Ryzom will move to a real Free to Play concept!

Cash shop is not pay to win, gear doesn't bring skill and knowledge.
anything sold on a cash shop should be BOP... Bind on pickup. So that it's bound to a character as soon as he picks it up and wears out at a normal pace, the gear can't traded.

Most games sell things like experience pots with might triple you do for 1 hour, or a pot that gives you no death penalty for 1 week no matter how much you die
Most items are aimed at new players

Items such as 150% crafting scrolls.. Which guarantees no degrade no matter what level item you craft.
Don't you wish that boosted 250ql item wasn't a degrade???!?! Even though you used a scroll with said 99% success rate!!

These things generally are not pay to win... You still need the SKILL, knowledge and materials in game to use them.

People seem to forget that 60+ skills to master in a challenge initself and new players will purchase anything that helps them.

Um a pot that makes you do tripple what your normally do in ryzom would be insanity.

Most cash shop stuff is aimed at those with bloated bank accounts the last craprpg i played with a cash shops top 10 players on just my server spent a few 100 grand. If ryzom goes that rout it will ruin the game. Youll have cashers who spend 1000s who refuse to help out new players who are gaining 3 and 4 lvls to the new players 1 lvl. You wuld have the elites who have all gear that never wares out while non elites have normal gear. Right now you can pretty much get geared up for next to nothing or nothing. Players who give out some rpetty great gear to new players just hitting the main land for crafting digging etc and do it every single day. That ould all end with the cash shop.

Any type of cash shop in ryzom should be extremely limited limited to things like pets that are just that a pet that does nothing to boost stats can not carry any thing or in not other way effects game play. Maybe some custom looks for your armor etc. Any thing more would ruin this now 12 year old game and probably kill it off totally.
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