[Done] Ryzom will move to a real Free to Play concept!

I'm still voting for auctioning Ourposts. Each weekend all Ops are free for bidding, starting at $1, highest bidder wins. Let's say guild X got the Op and guild Y invests $1, guild X is forced to pay another to make it $2. Generating money from nothing...

Alternative: Light, medium and heavy NPC armors as rentable (!) cash shop items. One week Aen armor? Just $1.99 and you're in! Microtransactions is the magic word...

PS: Take my suggestions with a *big* grain of salt ;)

Sorry but any kind of Pay to Win is not getting my vote.

I agree originally the cash shop was suppose to only speed things up a little bit not make it impossible for free players to get there. I was part of the staff of the game that started it all. WE only had a donation pay system. If you donated you got a special cape a few starter items etc. The only one that was really useful through out the game was the ring that you could use to port back and out of danger. You did not need to be stationary to use it so if being chased by mobs you could click it and port out of danger. The rest of the stuff was pretty basic and was worthless once you hit lvl 20 or so. Later we was going to have a true cash shop pay a few bucks get extra xp little more storage little more gold etc drops from mobs a little more materials from digging and harvesting. Not only get good stuff for cash. You were suppose to get a little more say 10% more if you paid and that ayment was going to be say 100 a year only. In other words if you paid month to month or yerly you paid the same. We never wanted what we see now.

Look at wartune a browser based game as a example of how bad it truelly is. If you want to get any where you pay. You pay to get the best stat boosting cloth you pay to get the best mounts you pay to get boxes that you then need to exchange for cloths mounts pets etc. You pay to max out your pet to merge your pets to do most every dang thing in game. Then theres the fact the game is nothing but daily clicks. daily blitzes to lvl daily blitzes to get gems daily this daily that.

The plan as laid out in the original post here is perfect imo and for the most part what we have right now it just becomes reversable! This is great news and should get allot / all the i would pay but what if i can not pay next month player to pay. Lets face it yeh $10.33 usd is cheap yes but in the us it can be hard to budget out even tht much money for a game. Other things come first rent groceries net to play ryzom net to check email put in other job apps cell phone bills gas money etc. 10 bucks at the end of a week can mean getting to work or not getting to work. Now with the plan as is a player can goo sweet i got 10.33 usd left im gona pay for a month. Then the next month damn i wasnt able to pay oh well half xp for me :\

So let me say this Good job ryzom devs you knocked it out of the park on this one!

Now as for cash shop perma items and stuff how about non player boosting things non combat/storage pets like yubos maybe for the adventerous joker a gingo maybe some custom armor colors some other goofy things maybe a new dance emote things that do not effect game play but that a char can have fun with. Id pay 10 bucks for a yubo pet or 20 for something else pet wise that was just a fun thing to have type pet.
But please do not so much as have it have storage or fight or be rideable less it just gives a different appearance to the standard mek with out any other changes.

There are ways to use a cash shop to make extra money for the game with out makign it impossible for the non paying player to get to equal footing.

The mmo land scape needs reshaped again pay to win must die lets use ryzo to kill that old crap system....
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