
Ryzom prettier than ever ! ReShade + MasterEffect Reborn

I tried this 'tutorial' but it doesn't seem to work for me.
whatever setting I try, nothing changes in-game :/
any ideas what might cause this?

It's hard to tell what might be wrong. If you had any other 'hacks' like this installed before you should remove/uninstall it before you use ReShade.

Once you've set everything up, the bottom left box should say 'Ryzom Core' and the bottom right one 'Default' or whatever name you gave your preset or you're going to have to select it first. Mediator sometimes starts without a preset selected.

One thing i didn't mention is that i forced Ryzom to use Direct 3D in the Ryzom Configuration tool that you can select when you start from Steam, it could be that you're running in 'OpenGL' but have ReShade set to use 'Direct 3D 9'.
Set Ryzom to use Direct 3D in the Config Tool and set 'Direct 3D 9' in Mediator.
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Last visit Sunday, 16 February 12:54:45 UTC

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