[Done] Ryzom will move to a real Free to Play concept!

The best thing they can do in my opinion is to lower the price. I payed for 2 subs for years simply to support the game and I didn't even play it! But the cost got to be to much. They need to cut the price in half and remove all taxes. make it $49/year per account. Then I would pay every year even if I didn't play.

There should be nothing about this game that costs any real money. The population is low. Colo hosting prices are pretty low these days. I mean they should just get a VM somewhere to host the game. I even offered them FREE colo space and FREE bandwidth years ago and they wouldn't take it. If they are paying huge costs to host this game they are doing something wrong and should explore alternative solutions.

But the price for Ryzom is way to high.


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Last visit Monday, 17 February 16:02:56 UTC

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