[Ryzom Forge] Meeting (4th of July)

Placio, I doubt that there are many high level alts left on Silan, and most of the exc stuff from merge times will be exhausted now. Moreover, most of those overpowered Silaners used their abilities with restraint.

Making Silan just some other region would deprive it its meaning. Why should players mess with q10-45 stuff when mats up to q250 and imported tools etc. were freely available? You would create more beggars, and most probably more dropouts.

And world treks are a way for new players to come in contact with experienced players, and to see the world, even its more dangerous and more unaccessible regions. With treks rendered useless for beginners, they would find themselves barred into capital ghettoes or be forced to ask for treks, anyway.

I enjoyed my world treks as a beginner, and I enjoyed to trek beginners even more.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral
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