[fix] equipment is blank white / missing textures

So, I was reminded of Ryzom today, downloaded the new client after the patcher stuffed up on the one from 2014ish, ran the patcher in the new one to make sure, and hopped onto the server... only to find that some of of my characters' gear was showing up blank white. A bit of discussion with helpful folks in Universe later, we'd teased the problem out - I'm using a feeble old Windows laptop with integrated graphics, and Ryzom didn't like it on the default settings.

To redress this offense against the digital kami, it was necessary to quit Ryzom (gasp!) and run the ryzom_configuration_qt_r.exe program that lives in the game's directory, to change the Graphics setting from Auto detection to Direct3D.

Happily, when I loaded Ryzom up again everything was fixed! Since there wasn't a quick and easy search result to consult for guidance in this quest, it was suggested I post it up here, to help the next puzzled, "technically declined" user.

Happy hunting, homins!
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Last visit mardi 11 Juin 00:44:23 UTC

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