
Question About Magnetic Cartographer Occupation

Yesterday, I was playing a different character, just got level 4 in magnetic cartographer, did the first mission after buying a mount and 12 bales of Mek-Chow. He ran through those 12 bales of mek-chow and his route was ALWAYS THE SAME, no duplicates,

Today, as I am a mere level 3 in magnetic cartographer, I did the same thing (mount and Mek-Chow) and my route seems random.

The Big Question: was his action yesterday just random luck (with a probability of 1/(4^52)) or is this the way that the occupation works after level 4?

Just asking.


I am a Fyros. What more do I have to say other than that?
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Last visit Thursday, 13 March 10:10:38 UTC

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