[Ryzom Forge] Meeting (4th of July)

3 Improvement of communication between Ryzom Forge (RF) and Ryzom Team (RT)

Ryzom Forge (RF) and Ryzom Team (RT, so the volunteers under Non Disclosure Agreement) have difficulties to communicate because of different chats and workplaces. It occures that RF has to wait a too much long time before to have a validation or an help from RT. And that's not good at all, neither for the rythm of addition of new content, neither for RF motivation.
My idea is to do otherwise: instead of having RF on one side and RT on the other one, let's have a commun workplace and chat to gather all the people who have to work together on a same project (RT + RF members).
Because RT daily uses the free version of Slack, I've chosen to use Slack for RF too (waiting to maybe find an open source tool that offers almost the same tools than Slack).
For this, I've created a new Slack called Ryzom Forge. This Slack is not restricted to emails like RT Slack is, so RF and RT members can join it and talk together on it.

Then, I've asked PtitBill (leader of Level Design Group) to create one channel for each RF Level Design project, and to start inviting a few RF members in it for test purpose. And it works!
The idea is to invite in each project channel the RF creator of the project + all the ones who will be involved in this project: Arkitect(s), Graphics, Lorists, Devs... from both RT and RF. 
This should help a lot to better communicate, share the ideas, improve the motivation and dynamism around each project, and make them been implemented in game a lot faster than they are now.

To all: if you'd like to join Ryzom Forge Slack, please contact me by private message, ingame mail or to, telling your email adress so I'll send you an email invitation

Q: Public announcements and RF meetings will stay on IRC?
A: Yes. We need another tool than IRC for the common RF-RT work, but IRC will stay our chat to publically communicate.

Q: People interested about what is happening will still be welcome on RF RC chat ?
R: Yes, of course! It won't change anything regarding our current use of IRC. But we now need another tool to work between RF and RT.


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)
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